Thursday, December 31, 2009

Day 11 Cross Country Adventure

Ilana and I didn't really hang around LA. It decided to be disgusting and rainy. We came in the dark I thought maybe we'd get to see what it looked like during the day. But no:

To my left

Straight ahead

...And to my right.
  It was a bit like driving into a great white abyss. Anyway, our drive was fairly uneventful with the exception that Californians seem to like to change lanes even when there isn't room for their car. They just do this slow, "hey, I'm coming in, make room!!" Fun. Also, they don't seem to understand the concept of driving at a constant speed on the highway. Every once in a while we'd all slow down. No reason for it. It was like leapfrogging, getting around these people.
Funny thing though, even though I for some reason could not get a picture of it, though there were many of them- signs saying the speed is enforced by aircraft. I would pay to see that happen. Not to me of course.
Also, many many of these:

Last fun thing:

The puppy (alright not exactly a puppy) looked at me! Could not have been more perfect.

Now though, we are in Sacramento and thus draws an end to the great cross country trip. I hope you all have enjoyed my entries as much as I have had experiencing them. Tomorrow, move-in to the new apartment!!!

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